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CrossFit Tuscaloosa


July 21, 2024

What To Consider When Searching For "CrossFit Gyms Near Me".

What you should consider when searching for “CrossFit Gyms Near Me”. 

Maybe you’ve seen both the ultra muscular men and women lifting big weights on social media. Maybe one of your co-workers goes to CrossFit after work every day. Maybe you even have friends who won’t stop talking about it.

But before you scroll too far down the google results consider these four things 4 when searching for “CrossFit gyms near me.”


Number 1: Consider more than location and price in your decision.

Both price and location are often the deciding factors when deciding on a gym to join. Personally, a great CrossFit gym with an awesome community is worth the extra 10 or 15 minutes on the road. After all, I’ll bet you willingly choose certain restaurants or grocery stores that might be more expensive and/or a longer car ride simply because you like what they offer both in food choice and atmosphere. Choosing a CrossFit gym should be no different. 

By becoming a member of a CrossFit gym you become a member of a new community. You’ve just walked into a diverse social group coming together with one common goal in mind : To be Stronger than I was yesterday. 

Yes, CrossFit can be expensive. Guess what? It can also be cheap. 

But you get what you pay for. So you need to ask yourself two questions before making any decisions: 

Do you just want access to equipment and not much in the way of service or coaching? If that’s the case, then maybe the lower-priced option is good for you. Maybe the non-CrossFit gym is a better option for you. 

 If you are new to CrossFit and want to get started, then I don’t recommend this route. The movements can be complex and you’ll need quality coaching. 

At CrossFit Tuscaloosa we take pride in our coaching. We are a coaching facility not a warehouse with equipment inside that has a desk guy offering you $1 a day passes. We provide our members with one-on-one personal training services that will set you up for success before you try out your first CrossFit Class. We also simply offer one-on-one personal training with a coach to curate a program specifically for your fitness goals. If you want a higher-value service that provides faster results than group classes, you should consider a CrossFit gym that provides one-on-one personal training.

Number 2: Ask, “Do the CrossFit gyms near me care about my goals?”

The most successful CrossFit gyms should understand the wants, needs and desires of every single member of that gym. At CrossFit Tuscaloosa we offer a free No Sweat Intro where we discuss your fitness goals, nutritional habits, injuries or barriers in place stopping you from accomplishing the goals you want.This is done before you pay any money to ensure you feel like CrossFit Tuscaloosa is a good fit for you.It’s done before you pay any money because we want you to know that we care about you and your health. 

The best gyms in the business understand that we are in the results business. The worst gyms in the business think we are in the “get-bodies-in-the-door” business. 

Sure other gyms can ask you simply what your goals are but we want to know why. Do you want to get stronger to be able to keep up with your kids running around the house? Do you want to be more physically active to move up in a job role? Does your family have a history of chronic illness and you want to be the exception? We want to know your WHY and how we can help. 

We offer goal review sessions to each paying member. Ever joined a gym and then no one there seemed to know or care your name let alone care if you didn’t show up for a week? With our check in process we’re able to keep track of how many workouts you’ve attended and we even have small monthly rewards for coming in and getting your workout done! At each goal review session we’re able to check in with each member on their progress, their triumphs and struggles. We can’t speak for other gyms but as far as we’re concerned we’ve set the bar high when it comes to caring for our member’s goals. 

Number 3: Ask, “Do the CrossFit gyms near me offer nutrition coaching?”

Yes! CrossFit is not just about heavy barbells and kipping pull-ups. It’s about improving your fitness.What is Fitness? 

Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, defined fitness in 100 words: “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean-and-jerk and snatch.

“Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics; Pull-ups, dips, rope climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc. hard and fast. Five or six days per week, mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.”

Okay, we get that might have been an ear full but note that the first 26 words are all about nutrition.

In any health and fitness routine, nutrition is responsible for 80% of the results. We see it in our members all the time. Those who do nutrition coaching see 3.5 times the results of those who just exercise. You need to be eating real whole foods to have improved energy levels and see improvements with your overall fitness. 

People often quit gyms when they don’t see results they initially wanted. Most of the time this happens within 90 days of joining. The truth is that those people are impatient. They simply didn’t trust the process of showing up for workouts at least 3x per week while following a diet of whole foods. If you want the fastest route to results, you need good nutrition and exercise. So why not find a gym where you can get both? 

Number 4: Ask yourself whether you’re searching for a “CrossFit gym near me” or a “CrossFit personal trainer near me.”

If you’re new to CrossFit, we strongly recommend that you start in a one-on-one personal-training environment. Fitness can be intimidating. You will feel like you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re thrown into a CrossFit Class.

But if you’ve taken a few one-on-one sessions with a coach you will feel more comfortable and confident when you start your group classes. Or maybe Group classes aren’t your thing but you need some direction and accountability with your exercise routine. Then perhaps a CrossFit personal trainer would be more suitable to your wants and needs. 

Don’t get too caught up in terminology and equipment you don’t understand. That's what you are paying your coaches to explain to you. 

A CrossFit gym in your area that offers personal training is the best place to start. You may even find that you enjoy the one-on-one environment more than group training. 

CrossFit is a training methodology. Group training and personal training are the means with which it is delivered.

At CrossFit Tuscaloosa we only offer both Group and  personal training services.  We find personal training is best for the following:

  • Clients dealing with a pre-existing injury.
  • Clients new to CrossFit.
  • Older clients that might get neglected if put in a group class with 20- and 30-somethings. 
  • Clients who want to make sure they’re performing the movements correctly. 
  • Clients who don’t like a group setting. 

So don’t just type out some search terms and sign up with the first gym you find on Google Maps with a cool logo. Your health is worth your time and energy to research which CrossFit gym is right for you. 

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